Board Members

The Board for the Fairways of Macomb is a small group of volunteers that dedicate their time to making decisions that are in the best interest of the residents in the Fairways of Macomb. 

This year there are a total of 8 people that make up the board.

Your elected Board of Directors for 2025 are:


Vice President:    


Treasurer:            Bob Hodlick

Trustees are:       Rodney Furwa, Bob Hodlick, Doug Kochanski, Allen Oleszko, Renee Oleszko, Barbara Roll, Dana Slifco and Mike Swanson.


Committee Chairpersons are the following:

Beautification Committee:  Bob Hodlick

Enforcement Committee:    Bob Hodlick

Social Committee:               Renee Oleszko


Website Coordinator:     Bob Hodlick